In a nutshell, we are a healthcare recruitment agency, with an emphasis on psychiatry, but also working in the broader healthcare sector, supplying all disciplines, professions and grades of worker to nursing homes, hospitals, psychiatric units and individuals that require support. In addition, we have a database of staff that is growing daily, and can be viewed by prospective employers, putting you directly in touch with them, effectively cutting out the middle man… well, almost...

"Not another nursing and healthcare recruitment agency…"

"So, here we are …  standing alone, in an industry surrounded by healthcare agencies, trying to make money from the flaws and failings of the NHS and private healthcare services, who fail to pay their staff a competitive or living salary, then turn to agencies in a crisis when their staff are off sick, or resign through stress or fatigue … either that or cost cutting forces them to reduce staffing, creating a dangerous situation for their patients, or residents …"


Fortunately, we are different… we aren't all about the money, and relying on the misfortune and mismanagement of organisations to create opportunities for us. 

Our service has been developed to engage with organisations and assist with their staffing shortages, but also to provide people that genuinely place the quality of care, real frontline, hands-on care at the fore front of what they do. Real proactive and selfless individuals that make a difference in the environments where they work.

We were created by nurses, with the intention of improving healthcare - taking the financial sting from the tail of profit orientated recruitment agencies!

Our service is a cooperative, in so far as we are working toward the same objective, and sharing the success and financial rewards as we grow. Thats what makes us different, being with us, is being part of the solution. The crazy thing is everyone gets a better deal, the good guy doesn't finish last after all. We maximise the rates received by the worker, and minimise the charge to the client, PSS make a small amount to cover our overheads. Our success is our reward, the improvement in the services we support, is the benchmark, by which we judge our success.

We believe that the best people, those that make a difference, deserve the greatest rewards and opportunities.

Rewarding people that care.

We believe that our approach would resolve so many of the underlying issues within healthcare, we are putting our feet firmly on the ground and pushing this message forwards.

We are providing a platform for exceptional people, those that would not necessarily seek promotion into office bound positions the opportunity to gain the financial rewards that they deserve. This is overlooked by the larger organisations, often undervaluing their workforce. We are bringing that loss of talent back to you, motivated and ready to contribute.

"A super charged, hardworking, compassionate, committed and caring - team of healthcare herRAF Roundeles!"


Together we can make a difference - We're healthcare heroes...

We are an independent nursing/healthcare service with the primary purpose of providing an exceptional and personalised mental health and general nursing service to organisations and clients that may wish to reduce the extravagant fee’s charged by large healthcare agencies, by contracting individuals directly at a much reduced cost.

Using PSS, will reduce costs, and the individuals provided will endeavour to promote the success and efficiency of the workplace. 

We pride ourselves on promoting the best people...

                  "Caring People,

                                Caring for People…"



Aspiring to the highest standards...

                                                             Improving the quality of care...

"We are Improving the Quality of Care!" It sounds good, doesn't it? Its a phrase we all recognise within healthcare, it is used so frequently, that its underlying meaning, and what it represents has been lost, it seems almost like a slogan used to demonstrate a core objective within a healthcare setting, but very often lacks substance, with organisations often falling short of their expectation to improve the quality of the care they provide

it's very simple, we need to make peoples lives better, we need to be efficient and responsive to the needs of the people under our care. A kind, and compassionate tone, a warm touch, an empathic smile, a few meaningful words and basic competent care. Those are the things that make it work, and make a difficult experience into a bearable and positive one for someone in our care.

And strangely enough those are the things, most healthcare professionals worth their salt wish to provide, and make their job seem worthwhile. Thats the reason we do it, to see that positive outcome, guiding someone through the difficulty or turmoil of illness, or old age. That expression of deep gratitude and admiration that only a healthcare worker will know, that surpasses any financial reward, when you have helped someone selflessly, restoring their faith in humanity.

These are the people that deserve decent pay rates, and a high standard of living: to be able to carry themselves with pride… Evidence has shown clearly, that a positive approach by motivated care givers, and simply feeling positive, or "happy" have a greater impact on the treatment outcome for someone in receipt of care, then medication or structured intervention. 

So, why does it all seem so terribly difficult and stressful? Why are healthcare staff retiring early, or going off sick? With the huge costs attached to that or simply not having the time to be that smiling, motivated and empathic person, that they want to be, that they need to be … with service users throwing their hands up in despair when their basic needs aren't being met … Why? because the money is being spent in the wrong place.

As well as inadequate rates of pay, another significant factor in the decline of good quality care relates to the amount of bureaucracy and paperwork that healthcare professionals have to deal with, although documentation does form an intrinsic and essential part of the nursing and caring process. It is vital for the purpose of planning; coordinating and communicating the clients care needs. Unfortunately, there is often an excessive amount of paperwork, boxes to be ticked, poorly conceived government targets to meet… all contributing to mental fatigue, stress and careless practice amongst nurses …

It is this extraneous paperwork that creates the problem, and a constant lean on staff to cover themselves in all their actions, slowing them down, making the job less appealing, and the demands of their service users seem more unreasonable.

Theres an irony to it - the red tape designed to protect us from blame and litigation, is actually causing us to be away from the people we are looking after, and increasing the likelihood of mistakes, and oversights. "Wheres the Nurse …?!!" … tied to the desk.

This need to protect yourself contributes to a culture of blame amongst staff on the frontline, and within management, its simply too easy to pass the blame. Blame it on the staff, blame it on the manager, blame the service user, blame it on the paperwork, blame it on being tired, overworked, under-paid and having too much to do. Its all so counter productive, and unnecessary. 

Does all this matter? No, not particularly. the only thing that matters is that expression on the face of those we care for.

… this isn't groundbreaking, we are not on a crusade, we do the job and we know what works.

Most good nurses and carers already know this, they simply haven't had a means of unravelling the complex tapestry of red tape created by unnecessary layers of bureaucracy.


Come with us - together we will improve healthcare!

Lets start here, and now, and promote our message openly - when nursing care is implemented with diligence, care and compassion, paperwork can be simplified, box ticking, covering up, and creating a paper trail lose their importance, when you have a personable, trusting and effective caring relationship with an individual.

We believe that nurses and healthcare workers, in every field, should be spending time with their patients.

Healthcare will be greatly improved, when theres a balance between good quality documentation, and good quality caring practice. Relieving the stress placed on healthcare professionals; freeing up time, improving morale and performance, thereby reducing costs, and more importantly "Improving the Quality of Care!"

We are advocating that balance by simplifying our own paperwork, setting an example and acting as a role model for the rest of the industry, by promoting likeminded people, people that understand our ethos, and that basic principle: healthcare work is all about getting to know the individual, their physical and emotional needs, then tailoring care with them and around them.

Want to Come with us? Find out how on the Join Us page.

"Putting people and good quality service before profit! Whether you are a large organisation seeking to reduce huge agency fee’s or an individual seeking support, please contact PSS through the contact us page, via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or on our freephone number for an informal discussion around the Psychiatric and Nursing Support we are able to offer you."

Read more about  what we can do for you.