Enquire NowHow can we help you? 

 Whatever your requirements we will be able to provide a solution, we have access to professional, flexible workers, in all areas of healthcare. Our current available staff and services are highlighted to the right of the screen and can be contacted through the website, we will put you in contact with them. Fees and an hourly rate can be agreed. Our overheads are low, and our objective is quality of work and client satisfaction, any profit will be gained through the provision of an exceptional service.  

Rest assured you will receive a lower rate, and a higher calibre of worker than conventional agency staff. We hand pick our staff from individuals that contact us via the website, but more commonly through personal recommendation. Workers selected and recommended by professionals for being good at what they do.

If they work with us, they are worth their weight in gold.

All of our staff are DBS checked and trained to a minimum standard that matches the requirements of NHS employers, and are committed to raising standards of care within the healthcare industry. A fully fledged, super-charged, group of healthcare heroes.


Have a glance at the profiles of our healthcare heroes, and if their skills and experience meet your requirements, get in touch!

We're here to help, all day, everyday!


You can also visit us at our business address in Uxbridge, Regus House,  Highbridge Business Park, UB8 1HR, or we will arrange to visit you, at a convenient time, in either case please contact us to arrange an appointment.

In the event you require a different discipline, or specific skill, and experience mix, please contact us, and we will endeavour to provide a solution.

Using PSS, will reduce costs, and the people you select will endeavour to promote the success and efficiency of the workplace. 

"Putting people and good quality service before profit and paperwork! Whether you are a large organisation seeking to reduce huge agency fee’s or an individual seeking support, please contact PSS for an informal discussion around the Psychiatric and Nursing Support we are able to offer you."

For further information on PSS, our ethos and approach, please read more about us.

We pride ourselves on promoting the best people...

        "Caring People...

                                                                                                                          Caring for People!"